Another oldie, 1872 seated dime
Another oldie, 1872 seated dime
Pretty decent old seated dime I found sorting through my stash of loose coins. Wish they all looked like this one, at least. And MORE of them would be nice, but these old ones are a good way to hold a piece of history in your hands, and i feel they are getting nothing but harder to find, in this shape and better. A good looking, honest wear, seated dime, right around 150 years old. I would guess its maybe a fine-very fine condition for the series, and im sure i dont have much more than scrap price from years ago in it $16-17 an oz, so a couple bucks or so? Not too bad a price for the honor to own such a cool old coin, and add to its history by keeping it in the condition it is in, i think its in original condition, or if its been cleaned, it was long ago id guess.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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