1964D Lincoln cent
1964D Lincoln cent
Hello everyone,I'm new here and anxious to get started so let's start with this wild wavy step,doubled die 1964D Lincoln cent,is this a wavy step variation of some sort? And notice doubling on obverse around the date and liberty and on the reverse on cent especially the N ,is it an authentic error I can't see how somebody could create such an image any and all input would be appreciated thanksTags: None
its what is called an Acid coin. something was placed on the coin or the coin was dipped in something acidic and the copper reacted to it. I have several including a 1946S that looks just like this. Could be something as mild as ketchup that would do this over time.Proud Member: CONECA, TEC, HVNS, NS, ANA
If you have coins that look just like this why didn't you post it to show me a comparison as far as an acid etching or whatever your trying to tell me is bizarre I've put coins in ketchup even taco sauce and I hate to disagree with you but that's exactly what I have to do sorry there has to be some sort of other explanation that is more logical your telling me that some sort of acidic substance started to melt the copper and start copying the design and rearranged everything to give it this appearance how did the acid get the Lincoln memorial to look like a deck of cards had been faned outv ,one on top of the other or make the E and N on the reverse start copying itself somehow separating it cutting it in pieces that whole theory is weird but thank you for the suggestion and I hope to get more responses but I'm sorry I'm no expert,you might be,it would have been pretty simple to post a couple photos of your coins so I could see a comparison I'm almost betting they look nothing alike but show me please and make me a believer thanksvg sincerely ed
What type of acid are you suggesting and what signs do I look for that tells me that my coin is soft enough to start trying to manipulate the images to try and recreate this phenomena and how should I go about altering the field images,and you mention having some coin that look just like this one ,you think you could post a couple so I can have a reference comparison and I'll post the results as soon as I'm done with this little experiment to let everyone know the results ,what type acid do you suggest thank you again and I'll be posting soon
James hit it on the head, as usual. This is one heck of an acid coin.
It was done after it left the mint, meaning it is post mint damage. Look at the reverse of the coin. See that uneven area at the rim? That is where some of the product, whatever was used, ate away enough of the rim for the product to find a way off the coin. In any event, whatever it is, or how it was done, was done after it left the mint.
If you experiment with coins, I suggest finding a coin of the same era, like close to 1964 to try this on. My point being, if you try this on a zinc cent, it may produce different results. This coin could have simply been placed in a small container of ketchup and put on something that was oscillating, like a washing machine or whatever. I am not sure how long this will take but some chemicals will act faster than others.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org
its been a while i wanted to follow up on my original post and ask a few questions and maybe point out a couple as well and thanks in advance for participating first wouldnt acid,ketcup,citrus or any other corrosive substance not just affect the appearance but wouldnt it also accect the weight ,the longer it sat in this substance the thinner it would get ,is this correct ?and if true then there wouldnt be any way for a coin like this to weigh 3.1 grams ,is this correct?and when does the copper actually become soft enough to be manipulated?and how did the acidic bath or even heat for that matter happen to keep repeating or copying say abes mouth if you blow up the picture and actually look at it ,it is quite an interesting coin now im not saying that there is a pair of dies that were made like this but if you actually look at the pictures you will notice that the metal runs different directions obverse and reverse im thinking almost impossible to be created by heat of acid the coin is the proper weight and size i count between 13 and 15 images stacked on top of each other count how many mouths are clearly seen then follow the line between his lips all the way across the penny you can see where one image overlaps the next and so on how did acid do this and i still havnt seen but one other american penny posted anyplace and he was getting the same story as me and i have seen two canadian pennies that resemble mineand are recognized as errors in canada anyways thanks again still seeking something that seems logical happy new years everyone 20241215_191058 (1).jpg