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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

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1947 Lincoln Cent DDO FS-101

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  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3659

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO FS-101

    I thought I would post another variety for people to look over and enjoy.

    This one is a 1947 Lincoln Cent DDO FS-101. The doubling is evident on the date and in the motto of IN GOD WE TRUST.

    It begins very subtle on the letters of "IN". I have added arrows to show where I see the doubling. I am not sure what happened to the norther area of the letters but it did not seem to affect the doubled die that much. It is more pronounced on the "N" vice the "I". Look for the classic "cookie cutter lines" in the stronger doubled dies. That shows where on impression is placed on top of another (2 or more impressions). Its shows the amount of separation between each impression. Its not much and surely does not rival the Lincoln cent doubled dies of 1955, 1958, 1969-S or 1972.

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 04 -IN.jpg

    As we go round the IN GOD WE TRUST motto, we will see how the doubling occurred and can get a basic idea of the direction. The where the strongest area of the doubling is, we reference a "K" number, just like on clocks. This method is also used in Off-Centers errors. WE might be able to tell the direction of the rotation. is it Clockwise or Counter-clock wise?

    In the photo below, the doubling on GOD is a little stronger. It appears that the weaker impression was done done to the west, but let's not jump to conclusions before we look over the entire motto. IF this weaker is to the West it may mean the direction of the doubling was clockwise, since the stronger primary impression is to the right (clock wise).

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 05 - GOD.jpg

    The "WE" below is a bit stronger and showing some great cookie cutter style lines. Again, these letters show the weaker impression to the west with the stronger impression to the right. This also shows its a doubled die since all of the doubling appears from the same direction.

    IF this was machine damage, one of the impressions would be a lot lower, step or shelf like and may show shearing from where some metal may have been scraped away or one of the impressions would look flat.

    The impressions here look close to the same height and from the same direction so far, and its solidifying an attribution for a doubled die.

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 06 - WE.jpg

    The letters of "TR" from TRUST are a little bit stronger than the letters of WE. Almost all areas of these letters show a nice doubling. Unless the rest of the letters in TRUST show up stronger, this may be the general direction the doubling is centered on. The "T and R" also show a weaker impression to the West and a stronger impression to the East so, its more than likely that this doubled die was rotated in a Clockwise direction.

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 07 - TR TRUST.jpg

    The letters below, "UST" of TRUST show a decent amount of doubling with a moderate strength. It appears that the doubling only affected the "U and S". The "T" may show some damage, but the leg of the "T" appears to be a bit thicker. The "U" is probably as strong as the "TR", so that is a decent assessment. The "U" is so strong that you can see two sets of upper legs on the "U". The curve at the bottom left of the "U" appears to be damage as it does not conform to the shape of that "U".

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 08 - UST TRUST.jpg

    Below, let's look quickly at the date. It appears there might be something going on with the "19". To the bottom right of the "1" there is a split serif. Since this coin is circulated, the ability to see any dramatic doubling has been worn away some. On the "9" we get to see two nubs at the curl.

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 01- Date 19xx.jpg

    Below is the "47". Again with area shows some wear and with that some of the better details of the doubling have been worm away. I can still see some of the split serifs, mainly on some of the corners of the numbers. Believe me, I tried to light this area up and show all of it with way more focus on the notching / split serifs, but the glare from the lights was too much. This photo to me is acceptable to see the nothing on both letters.

    1947 Lincoln Cent DDO 03a -Date xx47.jpg

    This 1947 Lincoln cent doubled die was a neat find within my collection of stuff I have in storage. I will have to rummage around and see if I have any more boxes that have some dramatic doubled dies within to share here or on my website.

    I hope this educates and rings the bell for those who are having a bit of trouble identifying the difference between a true doubled die and machine damage.

    Happy hunting.
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org
  • occnumis2021
    • May 2021
    • 1463

    after just coming from ebay and being inundated with copious amounts of abysmal/incorrect/fraudulent listings (with crappy pics), this is VERY enjoyable and refreshing. ty!

    nice coin and pics.
    coinfacts.com - conecaonline.info - board.conecaonline.org/forum/numismatic-site-links - briansvarietycoins.com - coppercoins.com - cuds-on-coins.com - doubleddie.com - error-ref.com - franklinlover.yolasite.com - ikegroup.info -lincolncentresource.com - maddieclashes.com - money.org - ngccoin.com/price-guide/world - ngccoin.com/census - ngccoin.com/resources/counterfeit-detection - nnp.wustl.edu - pcgs.com/pop - pcgs.com/coinfacts - pcgs.com/photograde - varietyvista.com - vamworld.com


    • MintErrors
      • Jun 2015
      • 3659

      Originally posted by occnumis2021 View Post
      after just coming from ebay and being inundated with copious amounts of abysmal/incorrect/fraudulent listings (with crappy pics), this is VERY enjoyable and refreshing. ty!

      nice coin and pics.


      Thank you sir for your kind words.

      i personally dont visit that place very much. In my opinion, it definitely has some issues that I personally do not care for as you have mentioned. I have some software that can closely mimic that place and thought about installing it once more but, I dont necessarily want to manage a website 24/7/365. I tell my self, "I am now retired" and I want to enjoy what I do.

      I recently looked over the RPMs in storage and brought back a medium sized box that had a thumb drive in it as well. Of the RPMs I have these are raw but they are pretty dramatic. So one thing I plan to start is photographing many of the RPMs (something I like to do) and putting them up on my website for sale and//or educational posts. Its a win-win. Problem is - the sheer amount of them. In the spring I will probably assess the amount I have in storage for RPMs / DDOs and normal copper Lincolns. One step at a time!

      Your photography is very good as well. I am curious on occasion on your tools of the trade for taking photography of the coins.
      Gary Kozera
      Website: https://MintErrors.org


      • occnumis2021
        • May 2021
        • 1463

        Originally posted by MintErrors View Post


        Your photography is very good as well. I am curious on occasion on your tools of the trade for taking photography of the coins.

        my former setup was nikon d90, sigma 150mm macro, shutter released (never got to doing tethering), copy stand (medium grade) with 2 hood lights that were white inside with GE reveal bulbs (too hot tbh in long sessions). mustve turned it over 2-3 times, power cord (batteries die WAY too quick in them powerhouse cameras in my experience but i'd do a LOT of imaging) - all-in was probably idk $800 but coulda been less if i'd hunted good condition used equip in-lieu of new everything.

        with the thousands of combinations of settings on those things (dslr), i found it is more about learning what to ignore (eventually) and knowing the 5-6 settings to tweak from time to time (for indoor macro imaging). never could get the faint purple/blue from those reveal bulbs to stay away even after doing WB greay scale cards and whatnot, that and being patient for micro blur (from manual and auto focus adjust) but that was mostly from the medium quality stand.

        coinfacts.com - conecaonline.info - board.conecaonline.org/forum/numismatic-site-links - briansvarietycoins.com - coppercoins.com - cuds-on-coins.com - doubleddie.com - error-ref.com - franklinlover.yolasite.com - ikegroup.info -lincolncentresource.com - maddieclashes.com - money.org - ngccoin.com/price-guide/world - ngccoin.com/census - ngccoin.com/resources/counterfeit-detection - nnp.wustl.edu - pcgs.com/pop - pcgs.com/coinfacts - pcgs.com/photograde - varietyvista.com - vamworld.com


        • foxpigsquid
          • Nov 2024
          • 77

          MintErrors, I too have been enjoying the educational posts - keep 'em coming :-)

          To jump on the photography thread, what is your setup for the photos above?


          • MintErrors
            • Jun 2015
            • 3659

            Originally posted by foxpigsquid View Post
            MintErrors, I too have been enjoying the educational posts - keep 'em coming :-)

            To jump on the photography thread, what is your setup for the photos above?

            My educational series on my website grows over the past few weeks
            I will post link(s) for my setup.

            I typically dont like to double post things, so since my focus is to help educate people on numismatics when I can, I will probably post more on my website than on here. I will still post here, but the bigger posts will be on my site.
            Last edited by MintErrors; 03-06-2025, 09:25 AM.
            Gary Kozera
            Website: https://MintErrors.org

