1998 Lincoln statue question
1998 Lincoln statue question
Hi again, I found this coin which looks like it had an extra statue which was blunted out (can't find the right word). Well the regular statue is in the middle of the monument, but to its left between columns 5 and 6 is blurred out statue (maybe) or a die break, or something. Would you take a look and give me an opinion. I don't believe it is machine doubling. (laugh). Sorry - poor attempt at humor.
Tuebits.Tags: None
Hi Tuebits: I'm not positive but it looks like the white material spead out within the bay in question is the gaseous bonding material on copper plated zinc cents, alot of the time on plated zinc cents gaseous bubbles form between zinc core and copper plateing while coins are struck, somtimes these bubbles burst, and leave black or white material on the coin surface, as well the plateing will be popped open. think what your seeing is bubbles which may resemble another statue. My Opinion
Attached are two additional photos. Don't know if they add any more information. As you can see there is residue from something but couldn't find any other damage.