1962 MD 1-O-II Proof Lincoln cent DDO question
It looks like a CONECA number, however, we do not have any master die doublings on proof coins. Nor do I see any listings in the CPG for this die. Sorry that I could not help you more. Your best bet is to contact J. T., maybe he can help.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.
At one time the doubling on the date of the 1962 cents, especially the proofs, was thought to be from a doubled master die. Since then a lot more research as been done. There may still be a working hub involved, but each one appears to be different. I have over 30 DDOs listed, most involve some type of doubling on the date. Many of these are fairly minor and will only common small premiums. Some are rather nice.CONECA 20th Century Die Variety Attributer