1966 Kennedy half DDO
1966 Kennedy half DDO
I wanted to show a 1966 Kennedy half that I found earlier this evening, I believe a class III design, doubleing strongest on the front profile,chin, lips, back corner of mouth, eye ball, eye lid, separation of hair strands above forehead. I'm not sure the variety listing yet still searching.Last edited by hamilton; 10-31-2009, 01:01 AM.Tags: None
While finding 1966 DO Kennedy's is always an intense pleasure, identifying which one it might be can really drive you nuts!
If you have the CONECA Kennedy Attribution book, try to locate the variety there, otherwise, send it to James Wiles for positive identification. Its inexpensive and correct.Lee Lydston
Hamilton your 1966 SMS look just like my 1966Attached FilesNo one right 100% of timesI maybe wrong and will I say, sorry I was wrong
Very nice coin. Just for clarification; grade pertains to the condition of the coin and has a scale of 1 to 70, with 1 being poor and the top 10 grades (MS-60 to MS-70) referring to mint specimens.
To identify an anomaly on a coin, it is referred to as an attribution, with an assigned filing number to identify that particular die that the anomaly occurred on.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.
Pennycat...aren’t these 1966 SMS doubled profile half dollars a lot of fun? I think they are because there are so many dies, and being able to attribute the dies using the markers in the CONECA listing makes them the most fun of all the Kennedy series. Are you able to see the stage B, EMDS marker on yours...the light die clash through DOL of DOLLAR (see attached photo)? It is kind of hard to see, and the clash marks didn’t last very long has the die was being used. Another marker that can be seen on the stage B and the LDS’s of the DDO-010 is two parallel die scratches north east of the first 6 (see attached photo).
Larry NienaberLast edited by atrox001; 11-16-2009, 01:28 PM.