I would like to introduce you all to a new
Die-State variety hat was discovered this summer. I have been looking into Icelandic varietys for about 6 moths now and this is the first discoverey that was made.
There are seviral others that have been found and are in the process of confermation. Varities have never been a big part of the Icelandic coin colleting history.
This part of the Icelandic numismatic world is for the most parts underscovered.
The coin in question
30 MM
Here you have a normal 1968 50 Krónur

The weak die varietie

You can see in the following the difference in the die-State varitie. Most of the detail over the windows, doors and flag pole is missing.
This is been confirmed by looking over loads off these coins. And around 50% have this weak die. Confirming that this was a
life of one die. 100.000 of these were minted. And a normal life of a die if i´m correct is about 50.000 coins.
Details of the varitie and the normal die

Best regards