1999-P Delaware Quarter question
1999 P Delaware obv1.jpg
1999 P Delaware obv2.jpg
1999 P Delaware obv3.jpg
1999 P Delaware obv4.jpg
1999 P Delaware obv5.jpgThese are the best pics I could get, hopefully they will help. I just purchased my first usb microscope 2.0 megapixel camera and I'm finding out its not so easy to capture the pics I want. I'm trying different light sources vs the camera lights, got any tips?
Yes, this is a die clash of George's hair curls. I have more than several of these die clash coins. However, most of mine only have four hair curls, not the six I see in your coin. I suspect that this die clash is from a different die set (from the coins I have) that has clashed.
Similar to the "Spitting Horse" die crack, there are a number of variations of the "Spitting Horse" die crack. Some cracks angle down to "Caesar", some go completely to the rim, thru Caesar, some have die cracks that go up through the horse's head and "Unicorn horn" out the top of the horse's head. I have one example of the "Spitting Horse" where the die crack is more promenant than the others, going thru Caesar and to the rim and has a wonderful "unicorn" horn of good length above the head of the horse.
Other errors found on the Delaware reverse include a dramatic doubling of Caesar Rodney that has two complete Caesar Rodney names, the second is almost completely separate from the primary Caesar Rodney. (This is the big money doubling) There is another doubling of Caesar Rodney where the doubling is much closer (where all doubled letters are overlaying the primary Caesar Rodney). There are also die chips found between the letters of "The First State." I have a Delaware Which has the "Spitting Horse" AND a die clash of George's curls. There is another minor die crack Delaware where the die crack is on the obverse running from George's bust going west and south to about 7 oclock at the rim. There is also a Delaware where the "Delaware, 1776, 1999, and E Pluribus Unum are doubled.
The only one of these errors I do not have is the strongly doubled and separate Caesar Rodney (yep, the big money doubling), but this error is so rare they suspect there are only a few of these coins out there.