Unprocessed image using 5x magnification, 25-stack of images:

Unprocessed image using 10x magnification, 36-stack of images:

3D processed 10x image but looking straight on to compare with unprocessed:

3D processed 10x image looking at 45-deg from 9:00:

3D processed 10x image looking at 45-deg from 2:00

I think this technique is useful to help visualize these kind of variety details in a similar way to viewing then with a microscope, at least the way I view them. I'm not so sure the 3D versions of these is all that useful, but some may like them. I find them kind of gimmicky, and while they can be sort of cool they don't offer any more information than the 2-D perspective views above. If you disagree, let me know. It's not too hard to include 3D versions of these.