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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

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74S Lincoln RPM

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  • fallguy
    • Oct 2012
    • 14

    74S Lincoln RPM

    Couldn't find this topic by searching so I'll just ask the question. Does anyone know why a 74S Lincoln RPM, listed on Coppercoins.com as 1974S-1MM-001, is not listed in the CONECA Master Listing? Thanks Much, and . . .

    Semper Fidelis, John
    AKA fallguy
  • wavysteps
    • Aug 2007
    • 1925

    John - Two possibilities do exist. One, Dr. Wiles believes that this RPM is too minor to be listed in CONECA files, or that this particular RPM has not examined by him or one of the CONECA attributers.
    Member of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.


    • fallguy
      • Oct 2012
      • 14

      Thanks BJ, just got out of the hospital on Sunday so I was a little delayed in offering my thanks At any rate, as I read your reply I went "DUH!!! Why didn't I think of that?!?" Maybe I'll get around to submitting it.

      Problem is that I have so many Wheats (let alone other coins) that I keep getting lost in the forest. My interest was re-kindled (after a 50 year plus hiatus) when my 96 year old mom died a year ago. As the "Last Man Standing", everything went to me, and as I began the task of going through nearly a centuries worth of "stuff", I began to find a "penny here and a penny there". Actually, I knew that my grandma had left a suitcase full of jars of coins because my mom had me "hide" it every few years, but what I really didn't expect to find (though I should have known better given the fact that she had spent most of her life as a farmers wife) were the jars, and bags, and boxes of coins that were scattered about her place. To make a long story short, with those and subsequent purchases, I probably have someplace between 25 and 30 thousand wheat pennies (let alone pre-65 nickels, dimes, quarters & halves . . . Oh Yes! and given that the old girl was a devout Catholic and of Irish heritage, a zillion Kennedys!) that I have been trying to work my way through.

      Because I have found Varieties and Mint Errors so fascinating, I give each coin a thorough going over and when I find something interesting, off to Dr. Wiles e-books, CONECA and Coppercoins I go. The problem is, I can spend hours researching just one coin, and then I still might not find a match; thus, this recent post. It dawned on me the other day that given the fact I'm already 65, I'll be dust long before I ever get through these coins unless I find a way to speed the process up. So I've taken to only cataloguing those V&E's I can identify relatively quickly and the others that I'm pretty sure are Varieties, I'm just setting aside and if I get to them, Great! If not, well it will give my granddaughters something to do when I'm gone.

      Well, I do go on; heck of a thing for an old man to do on a Christmas morning, NOT!!! Santa obviously didn't forget me as I just found a Type 1, 1936 DDO-001 (FS-101 (14)) today, which also triggered my memory to thank you for your reply! So onward and upward, and if you have any hints that will help me further rationalize this process, I'd be more than happy to hear them. In the meantime, the Merriest of Christmases and the Best of New Years to you and yours!!! (Oh, and we mustn't forget, "GO NAVY!!!" The score was 34 to 7 wasn't it)!

      Semper Fidelis,

      fallguy AKA John


      • Jamez
        • Dec 2007
        • 414

        John, sounds like your having fun with the task and thats important. If you can get good pictures of the coins your having trouble with, post away. I am sure somebody can find you and answer..
        Proud Member: CONECA, TEC, HVNS, NS, ANA


        • fallguy
          • Oct 2012
          • 14

          And Therein Lays the Rub, BJ . . . How I get the photo's from my computer to sites like this. I think that I should review the help files to see if there aren't step by step instructions on how to do that. Do you have any recommendations for web hosting sites where you can upload picture files to, and then link those in messages you post here?

          And BTW, I really do get excited by all things numismatic . . . it's nice to have that kind of fallback at my age, especially given the range of activities I've engaged in over my life time. Without it and my golf (but that's only helpful for 6 or 7 month of the year), and of course my youngest granddaughter, I'd probably die of boredom!

          But getting back to the main topic, I really do have to move forward on that as I do come across many interesting coins. My latest, for which I have been developing a number of analytic photo's for, is a 1937 Buffalo Nickel that appears (and I stress "appears") to have a horizontal and misplaced mint mark (just the curve of a "D" appears to show above the rim directly below the "C" of CENTS). The photos I have, along with overlays of a "D" from a normal 1937-D Buffalo Nickel, sure seem to support my belief, but I would feel a lot better about it if I had more experienced eyes taking a look at it. Just have to figure out how to make that happen.

          I must say (?brag?) that I won't be totally unhappy if it turns out to be just a mint error, or even PMD artifact, because while I was looking through the same bag of coins that I found this one (given to me by an Aunt, years ago), I found a 42/41-D Mercury Dime!!!!

          Well thanks for reading my posts BJ and hopefully they won't be my last.

          Semper Fidelis, John


          • fallguy
            • Oct 2012
            • 14

            My Bad Jamez!!! I guess I should read who the posts are from before I reply!. Still, what I said is still the same, regardless of who is reading them. My apologies just the same SF, fallguy

