Upon inspection once home, I discovered the "Eight Tail Feathers" variety also had the FS-$1-1878-009 "extra feather kidney bean" (Cherrypickers Vol II pg 310) VAM 9 under the left (right wing to viewer) wing. The 1878 seven over eight tail feathers variety also had two spikes on the eye just below the eyelid. (Cherrypickers Vol II pg 311 (top) shows a double spike on the 1878 eight tail feathers photo, but both spikes look like the lower spike in the Cherrypickers photo (angled as arrows show in my photo.
The 1878 seven over eight tail feathers and the 1878 seven tail feathers both have radial cracking thru the letters from the beginning of United and goes clockwise around to the two L's in Dollar. Hard to see in photos.