Also I see no signs of any repunched date. I returned the coin and he refunded with no problems but he still insisted that it was the variety. Can anyone tell from the photos if it is or not the variety?
1848 1/2 dime overdate
1848 1/2 dime overdate
I bought this coin on ebay a couple of months ago- supposidly the 8/7/6 variety. After receiving it, I could not tell if it was the variety or not. According to Breen, there is a heavy file mark to the right of the date- in the picture it looks to be above the 6th denticle right of date. On my coin- image 2 there is what appears some sort of die mark above the 9th denticle.
Also I see no signs of any repunched date. I returned the coin and he refunded with no problems but he still insisted that it was the variety. Can anyone tell from the photos if it is or not the variety?Member : CONECA, ANATags: None
It doesn't look like the photo in the Cherrypickers' Guide (4th edition, p. 8). Apart from the fact that I see no sign of a repunched date, the numbers on your coin don't seem as evenly lined up at the bottom as the coin pictured in the book.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.
Most of the 19th century variety material is left to the various specialty clubs to research, so you might try taking your question to the Liberty Seated Collector's Club at They should be able to give you a more definitive answer.CONECA 20th Century Die Variety Attributer