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Washington 25c 1969D Type B reverse

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  • MSL615
    • Apr 2008
    • 19

    Washington 25c 1969D Type B reverse

    Hello everyone,
    New to this forum tonight as I hunt down information on a clad 1969D Type B Washington. I just found one in circulation today. Breen catalogs it as #4427 and says it is about 1% of the population.
    I found a few references to it on the WWW tonight, but not much. Only that a few are known: One person noted that he has only found about 6 of them in 20 years of searching.
    Is anyone out there familiar with this coin, or the other clad Type B series in 1970, 1971, etc?
    Last edited by MSL615; 04-11-2008, 04:34 AM. Reason: mispelling
  • JamesWiles
    • Aug 2007
    • 223

    Congratulations! The clad type B (proof style) reverse quarters from 69D-72D are indeed rare. The 1969D has been the most reported. I am still looking for a 72D myself.
    CONECA 20th Century Die Variety Attributer


    • MSL615
      • Apr 2008
      • 19

      1969 D Type B (Proof reverse) Quarter

      Thanks for answering about this quarter and I appreciate your time. Do you know of any references where I could read about this series of Type B quarters? So far, Breen is the only one I have found. I collect the silver quarter Type B, and have found a lot about them, but not the clads.
      Thanks again


      • cnladue
        • Mar 2008
        • 91

        i would sure love to see a picture of the quarter.


        • MSL615
          • Apr 2008
          • 19

          I have been busy with taxes this week (like everyone else) and not had time to get pictures of this quarter up and on the site. I will post them however in the next few days.


          • atrox001
            • Aug 2007
            • 268

            Is there such a thing as a 68S Type C reverse quarter? I don't see anything listed in Breen's.

            Thank You,
            Larry Nienaber


            • JamesWiles
              • Aug 2007
              • 223

              There were a couple of Coin World articles back in 1987 by Herbert Hicks. I did an ANA Numismatic theatre on the subject several years ago, which was video taped. Most recently there have been several threads on the PCGS message board. I have them on my list to place on www.varietyvista.com hopefully in the near future. To identify them, all you need is a proof quarter from 1950-1964. The easiest identifier is to notice how the leaves in front of the arrows rise above them. This only occurs on the RDV-002 (Type B) reverse design.
              There are actually 4 designs in use for the 1968-S Proof. Three are modified Type Cs (RDV-005, RDV-006, RDV-007). The other is a slightly modified Type B (RDV-008).
              CONECA 20th Century Die Variety Attributer


              • MSL615
                • Apr 2008
                • 19

                Photos of 1969 D Type B Proof reverse quarter

                Attached are several images of the 1969 Type B proof reverse Washington. I have also added some "normal" reverse images for comparison. The main difference, visible easily by naked eye, is that the entire reverse is incredibly bold, high resolution and very fine detail on the Type B. Just like you would expect on a proof die. The normal version is "mushier". In the microphotos you can see that the details and placement of the leaves below the eagle are different as is the spacing and resolution of the lettering.

                Image 1:
                Extreme closeup of Type B lettering

                Image 2
                Extreme closeup of normal lettering

                Image 3
                Extreme closeup of Type B leaves

                Image 4
                Extreme closeup of normal leaves

                Image 5
                Wide image of Type B reverse
                Attached Files


                • cnladue
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 91

                  thank you for the great informative post.great pics too!


                  • MSL615
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 19


                    For Novicetoerr, this is where the post began and the links to the various sources of information can be found earlier in this thread.

                    For Coin Detective, as I wrote yesterday, I do not know the process by which quality control on the dies would see the same issue come up over multiple years. I agree with Found in Rolls that it certainly happens, as he noted with the wide AM cent varieties. Everything I have found so far deals with population reports, but not much discussion if the mint ever addressed the issue. Maybe that is all there is to say: There were both proof dies and circulation dies available and sometimes they got mixed up. I absolutely agree with Found in Rolls (Bill) that this is not an intentional pattern, but rather mistakes in mint handling of the dies.

                    For Found In Rolls (Bill), given your long history of searching through many rolls of coins, do you have a feeling for the population of the 1969-1972 versions? Feigenbaum published some views on that in 1994 and I wondered if you had more recent data from your work. The 1956-1964 versions are easily found but not the others.



                    • MSL615
                      • Apr 2008
                      • 19

                      Excellent links on Type B quarters

                      If you go to the PCGS message board Web site and search for "Type B" you will find enough threads on Type B quarters for hours of reading. I just did that this evening and was amazed at the amount of information on those threads. It took me a few weeks to find this, but if you have any interest in Type B quarters, those pages are full of excellent discussions.


