1949S FRANKLIN HALF RPM-003 or WRPM-003 or RPM #3
1949S FRANKLIN HALF RPM-003 or WRPM-003 or RPM #3
I am looking at a 1949S Franklin Half. The coin is probably an AU55 coin. The mint mark looks similar to pics on VV, DD and www.franklinlover.yolasite.com (FL) for a RPM S/S/S east, west. I see die "spikes" coming of the top left of the 'E', 'R' and 'T' in 'L I B E R T Y' on the obverse. There would appear to be the remnants of a die gouge 'dot' on the '4' of the date however there has been some abrasion in the area make positive ID difficult. The only die scratch I can confirm is between the lower area of the second 'U' and the 'M' in 'U N U M' is a die scratch running south by east from WRPM-003 on DD. Abrasions from circulation are making identifying any other die scratches harder. As a note, the coin on FL is a proof-like specimen which would make identification of die scratches very simple. Thoughts or comments?Last edited by rbroederer; 08-02-2021, 04:30 PM.Tags: None