I see extra columns 1995D
Close spread on date, rear columns growing out into bay,cud connected to die crack running through middle of forehead to T in TRUST. It's very hard to take pictures with the dark cherry red toning. 001.jpg 20220116_161034.jpg 20220118_163640.jpg
Looking at the curve of the D mintmark it looks like it has some machine damage done to it.. if the angle matches up to the date, that may be what has happened there. The date photo is blurry when I try to magnify it enough to see the tips of the numbers in the dates. If the numbers are not wider than normal, and are not at close to the same height, suspect mechanical damage.
I suggest going to coppercoins.com or varietyvista.com and see if there are examples of what you are seeing. Geeseh, testing my memory here, but the column issues I THINK existed in 1996, and those may be displayed on coppercoins.com.
Some maintenance on dies which are scratches north and south near the columns can make them look like extra columns, but they are not.
Again check a few websites to see if these possibilities have already been discovered.
Last edited by MintErrors; 01-19-2022, 07:18 PM.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org
I've stumbled around learning how to use the photo library on my phone gotten confused and mixed up my thoughts as Iwaslookingatseveral other lincoln cents.. Extra thickness in theses columns was my thoughts. The Extra columns their on the reverse of a 1996 P guess I'll post a pic of the extra columns i was thinking about.