1987-D Doubling?
In my opinion, it looks lower and step or shelf like. I believe it's what they call worthless doubling. Another thing to note is, prior to the mid 1990s, the working dies which made coins, were created first. It was after that the mint marks were added. So, if some sees doubling on the mint mark, it could be either worthless doubling or, a repunched mint mark.
Mechanical doubling, machine doubling, ejection doubling, strike doubling, are considered worthless doubling since it happens so often.
Several handy websites are:
Die varieties such as doubled dies, Repunched mint marks (RPMs), Over Mint Marks (OMMs), Repunched Dates, Overdates, coin design varieties, as well as regular coins and error coins.
doubled die website has a great write up and comparision of worthless doubling vs. Doubled dies.
I have a few educational posts in my signature as well.
Keep the effort up. There are some winners out there.Last edited by MintErrors; 02-15-2023, 10:44 PM.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org