2013 Lincoln Cent DDO?
2013 Lincoln Cent DDO?
I'm seeing doubling on the lettering and date of this 2013 Lincoln Cent. I don't think it is machine doubling, but I'm still learning. I could not find similar doubling on Wexler's list, Varity Vista, or Copper Coins. Thanks for your time.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Greetings, i am seeing Die Deterioration along with Machine Doubling + plating issues on both Obverse and Reverse, notice how the doubling on IGWT flows towards the rim?
this is typical of the cavities of the devices breaking down along their edges and the metal then flows to the direction of least resistance, the edge.
this may fall into other type of mechanical doubling, see here for more references, and lets see what other say as well.