I pulled out an assortment of about 30 RPMs and doubled dies, nothing spectacular, however, this one proved to be interesting.

As you can see, it is a Class VI doubled die reverse on a 1956 Lincoln cent. It has very strong extra thickness on EPU, the dots, the top portions of the O and E of ONE, both wheat ears, the stems and the bottom portions of the letters in OF AMERICA.
Overall a nice doubled die, however, it is not listed in CONECA files and the die markers are not a match for the single listing in Coppercoins. I guess the point that I am trying to make is that there are still older doubled dies and RPMs out there just waiting to be found. With todays improved optics, it does make searching easier. Also, the other point is, a coin has two sides. So when searching, look at both, you will never know what you are missing if you don't.
BJ Neff