Hi all ' I found this Lincoln cent is this coin doubled die. I need help please. thanks lot.
1994 Lincoln cent
So this is not a DDR. it is MD Machine Doubling.
Play-doh... If we take Play-doh and fill a mold of a car. take the mold off you will have a car. but if you put the mold back on the car, slightly to the side, and push down. part of the car will be smushed, flat, shelf like.
This is MD... Machine Doubling. it is when a die bounces down onto a coin smashing a raised design. Why does the die fall and smash the coin? Theory dictates that the screws were not tightened down enough or loosened up over time.
So on a MD coin... the area that is thought to be doubled and the area that is the design COMBINED will equal a normal design.
So if what your looking at is Flat, Shelf like, or smaller then a normal design? then it is MD.
If what your looking at is bigger, thicker, or double the size of a normal design? then it probably a true Doubled Die.
If you look at the E in UNITED and the T in STATES. what is raised plus what is lower and flat or shelf like together equals a normal arm of an E.CONECA Attributer: John Miller