Lincoln Cent 2000 D,Doubts.
Lincoln Cent 2000 D,Doubts.
I hope you do not take this doubt wrong (this is a forum for discussion). In your article you say that the grease mold only appears on the coins of 1995 ... 2000 on the obverse and can only be seen on the last digit. Looking at this coin it has the same characteristics of your article but on the reverse it is longer.Last edited by ariel cabrera; 03-07-2024, 11:08 PM.Tags: None
in my opinion, it could be one of several issues... or a combination of several:
A unusual wear pattern on the die. The reverse die could have been late die stage, cleaned up as evident from all the abrasion on the die.
An abraded die - one which has had too much maintenance on it and it took away some of the letters. This coin might have had a clash, and they removed it.
It also could be struck through grease or other debris in the letters.
This is not an exact science. things happen.
en mi opinión, podría ser uno de varios problemas... o una combinación de varios:
Un patrón de desgaste inusual en el troquel. El troquel inverso podría haber sido una etapa tardía del troquel, limpiado como es evidente por toda la abrasión del troquel.
Un troquel desgastado, al que se le ha dado demasiado mantenimiento y le ha quitado algunas letras. Esta moneda pudo haber tenido un choque y la retiraron.
También podría golpearse a través de la grasa u otros residuos de las letras.
Esta no es una ciencia exacta. las cosas pasan.Gary Kozera