1922-D or Weak D
1922-D or Weak D
I have a 1922 Lincoln cent that shows a "D" was there. The coin is quite worn. In it's present state are there any identifiers that would indicate if it was a regular "D" or worn "D" or is it too far gone. Attached are some pictures. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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In my opinion, I think you should post this in the CONECA services forum under Attributions. They may be able to tell. For me, I am on the fence.
Its tough to tell if that "qualifies" as a "no D" or just a heavily circulated coin.
It is heavily circulated. It may be just the photos, but this might have been cleaned some time ago.
Since it is a fairly hard coin to come by, I hope this was found or purchased from a good source. It could be a damaged D or some one tried to remove the D a long time ago. To me, it just looks a little off for some reason, looks awful mushy...Last edited by MintErrors; 04-26-2024, 10:34 PM.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org