Second post will have the crack through the date
Lincoln 1945D Die Cracks
Lincoln 1945D Die Cracks
I have a 1945 D Lincoln cent that appears to have 3 die cracks. The first goes from the top rim to Lincolns Ear. The second goes from the rim at 7 oclock up to about the 2nd or 3rd jacket fol. The last is from the rim through the date to the 9.
Second post will have the crack through the dateYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Die cracks were pretty common in the 1940's through the mid 70's.
To be honest, most of these I throw in my bargain bin.
Die cracks have to be pretty dramatic in order to bring in a decent premium. IF they are from 2003 to now with a lot of drama, it may bring a decent reward.
Lincoln cent working dies can strike up to 1 million cents before the mint workers retire the working die. The older dies with lighter cracks might be able to hammer out several to tens of thousands of coins before the mint workers notice the issue.Last edited by MintErrors; 03-13-2025, 06:11 PM.Gary Kozera