Now to the question, while going through rolls of pennies, one in particular jumped out at me, mainly because I am not sure what causes it to be the way it is. The upper right corner of the obverse, has a ridge, where the metal raises up. It runs through the letters, so assumed that it was a dent in the die, but I am not sure because the right side of the 9 on the date seems to be recessed into the ridge, as if the date was struck on in a 2nd strike (I always thought the date was put on with the strike that puts the design on). There is a mark on the left side of the coin too, but it just sort of looks like a scratch, but because of how well it follows the arc of the coin, I wasn't sure if it was something caused from the striking process or not.
I have attached a picture of the penny in question. The reverse is normal, and nothing is wierd about it.