I deduce that in doubled dies there are a number of coins that are all stamped with the same doubled characteristics with little variation. Mechanical doubling is a one of type of doubling that varies with each coin that is stamped in this fashion.
I would also deduce that Mechanical doubling would be more extensive in that if a coin shifts while the die bounces that much more of the coin will be "doubled." An example I envision is that in a doubled die, lets say, some letters of "In God We Trust" show doubling and that a number of coins are produced with this variety, whereas, in Mechanical doubling "In God We Trust," the Date, and "Liberty" and possibly the image are ALL doubled and even at times the other side of the coin also shows doubling.
Another question is IF a coin is found and there IS NO classified doubled die associated with the coin, would that be the first hint that the coin may have undergone a Mechanical doubling rather than a doubled die. I have several 1994 quarters that show doubling in "In God We Trust" but I haven't found a variation listing for the 1994 quarter.
Thank for any information you can give.