1873 & 1909 U.S Penny Values?
1873 & 1909 U.S Penny Values?
Hey all! I have alot of 1909 pennies in mint condition and was wondering what price I could get for it? I also have an 1873 mint condition penny... and would also want to know what I'm looking at price wise? I am a year into coin collecting and am hopefully planning on selling some of my rare collection to pay for college. Anywho, thanks in advance. I also have some random pics in my profile of coins if anyone is interested in just browsingTreat Others How U Want 2 Be Treated
The answer to that could be all over the board. Its all about condition.
Prices for the coins mentioned range for the 1909 from $2.00 to 6 grand. Depending on grade, MM and other variables.
The other coin is in the 12.00-1000.00 range again, depends on the actual grade of the coin.
Got some good clean pictures perhaps we can narrow it down just a little more.: )Proud Member: CONECA, TEC, HVNS, NS, ANA