Since we are an open forum, unfortunately it is open to a group of people that I will politely caller "spammers". Their main objective is to post pornographic material and supply us with an endless quantity of various, dubious medicines.
To combat this influx of junk and not subject our true users of this forum to this trash, Mike Diamond instituted screening of all new posts and it has worked well, for we have had only a few objectionable posts slip by.
To date we are approaching the 1100 mark of objectionable posts that have been deleted by either Mike or myself. The vast majority are from Russia and the Far East. We will continue to do this, for both of us believe that this forum and those who post legitimately are worthy of our time spent.
I thought that all of you should be aware of why your posts are not seen the moment that they are put on. Maybe in the future, when the "spammers" see how senseless it is to post on this forum, we will be able to post without screening, however, that prospect is iffy at best.
Thank you for being patient.
BJ Neff