Recently they have got a lot of bad publicity in the papers, a lot of people
feel they have been cheated, so they should be loosing customers.
But some time ago now, something happened that really made things go downhill, in a hurry.
Suddenly the bank that owns the mint, (goverment owns the bank) say that they are willing to sell the whole minting process.. Because they dont make a profit on it. And now it gets nasty, they got two phonecalls from someone who was interested. One from the mint in finland, and one from the above mentioned company.. And guess what, they buy it! 50% to the mint in finland and 50% to this company.. Historical buildings and everything, except a collection of coins and other things the bank kept.
After this happened, I noticed that this company are advertising more than ever, a lot of replicas and things, and why not, they own the norwgian mint with all its equipment.
And here comes there big scary point for me; the mint error interest here is un the way up, and I know that this company have noticed this. I really hope they dont start picking out, or worse, making error coins and selling them in the same manner as the other stuff they have, but this is not completly impossible. Just have to wait and see. I have no doubt they will do this if they see a market to make money on.. Scary thought. One day I open my mailbox and find some glossy papers with "an amazing offer, hurry up and buy" followed by pictures of errors.. I might actually shed a tear if that happens.
How I wish they never sold the mint.. What a stupid idea!