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CONECA (pronounced: CŌ´NECA) is a national numismatic organization devoted to the education of error and variety coin collectors. CONECA focuses on many error and variety specialties, including doubled dies, Repunched mintmarks, multiple errors, clips, double strikes, off-metals and off-centers—just to name a few. In addition to its website, CONECA publishes an educational journal, The Errorscope, which is printed and mailed to members bimonthly. CONECA offers a lending library, examination, listing and attribution services; it holds annual meetings at major conventions (referred to as Errorama) around the country.

CONECA was formed through a merger of CONE and NECA in early 1983. To learn more about the fascinating HISTORY OF THE ERROR HOBBY and THE HISTORY OF CONECA, we encourage you to visit us our main site Here

If you're not a member and would like to join see our Membership Application

We thank everybody who has helped make CONECA the great success that it is today!

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Meet and Greet!

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  • jmangham
    • Nov 2014
    • 234

    Meet and Greet!

    Hello all,

    I want to start a thread dedicated to getting some action going here. It would be nice if old members and new members could reply to this thread.

    Things like: How long have you been in the hobby? What do you mostly collect? What are some of your better coins?

    I will start:

    I have only been serious about collecting for 9 months or so. I was looking through an old box of coins that I had and found a 1943 Copper penny! Well after about 2 minutes of research I found that it stuck to a magnet and was fake! From then on I have been searching for error and variety coins. I mostly search Lincoln Cent rolls. My best find so far is the big 2014 DDO, Coneca 2014 1c DDO-001, 1-O-VI http://varietyvista.com/2014PDDO001%20cent.htm . Not long ago I became interested in varieties on World Coins. I have found some nice ones on ebay. I love the hunt!
    CONECA member
  • jmangham
    • Nov 2014
    • 234

    Oh! This would be a good time for some of the Guests lurking in the shadows to come out of hiding, join the site, and introduce yourself!
    CONECA member


    • JC Stevens
      • Jan 2009
      • 123

      Hi, I’m JC Stevens. I started collecting in the 50’s putting coins in the Blue Whitman’s books. My first Whitman Lincoln Head Cent book has the last printed date of 1956-D and 1 &1/2 pages of blank holes. I started imaging errors & varieties after my wife got me a USB scope for my computer. At present my main focus is on LIBERTY Die Breaks on the Lincoln Cent. I get a kick out trying to cross reference the hand drawn illustrations from Jean Cohen’s “THE CLASSIFICATION AND VALUE OF ERRORS ON THE LINCOLN CENT” and the “BIE Handbook” Edited by Howard O. Hardy.


      • wavysteps
        • Aug 2007
        • 1925

        Hi Folks,
        Great idea.

        BJ Neff
        Member of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.


        • Schiooch
          • Jul 2015
          • 4


          I am a new member, joined to learn a great-deal more about error collecting, specific coins of interest and the process in general. Hopefully in the future, I will be able to contribute and share my own discoveries.



          • Schiooch
            • Jul 2015
            • 4

            Mr. Diamond,
            Thank you for the kind welcome and for the helpful link, I appreciate it!



            • jmangham
              • Nov 2014
              • 234

              Good to have you! Error/Variety collecting is a fascinating hobby! We love to share in folks' good finds also!
              CONECA member


              • Schiooch
                • Jul 2015
                • 4

                Thank you for the kind welcome ! Yes, I agree it is a fasciinating and well-respected hobby!

                By the way this "Meet and Greet Forum" is a great idea and thank you for created it! It offers New Members/New Collectors (like myself) a welcoming platform as a social starting point, making it much easier to reach out to seasoned and experienced collectors for guidance, especially while learning the ropes!
                Thanks again


                • jmangham
                  • Nov 2014
                  • 234

                  There are some great folks here with loads of knowledge!
                  CONECA member


                  • ME Co.
                    • Nov 2015
                    • 6

                    Hello, my name is Mark. I've been crh since '07, best investment I ever made back then now I should have moved on but its an addiction lol. Since the silver dried up I been sorting nickels the last few years looking for any worth more than .05.
                    I don't have any pictures to show but here's a list of finds: (and since they're not silver I sell them)
                    1937D looked MS, dealer friend gave ME $25 then on closer inspection found the whole obverse doubled and gave another $25
                    1939 Double Monticello and five cents, got $40 out of that jewel
                    1946D/inverted D, dealer gave me $40 two years ago, few months ago I found another sold to a friend for 40, a month ago I found another
                    To date I have put together and sold 25 Jefferson sets, only bought 1 50D so I've found 24.

                    Before you all think I'm the luckiest person on earth, its a volume game, I average 20 boxes a week X 50 weeks is 1000 boxes a year.
                    Got some new finds still in my possession maybe I can find time to get some pics and post.
                    Anybody else here like nickels? HH, Mark


                    • MintErrors
                      • Jun 2015
                      • 3592

                      Howdy ! Welcome aboard !

                      You'll find the forum quite entertaining in the middle of the week, when most of the senior attributers and staff are not traveling (as much). I tend to come on here as often as I can, and help when I can.

                      I used to CRH a lot back in the day. I know a few people that CRH nickels, but I haven't personally done so. Its a good choice, the less nickel CRH's there are, the better the odds of finding some great finds like yours ! Congrats !

                      It's a good hobby, and its relatively cheap depending on which way you go. I was getting boxes of cents from the banks I developed a relation with. It was cents to start, then I went to quarters as well. I used to put an initial on a roll that I have searched in the past, and I was lucky I did. I would run into some of the same rolls from time to time, and it would keep me from redoing what I have done. I also bought a boatload of cent tubes, and stored the better cents by year/mintmark, so if I needed to, I could revisit a particular year without searching a lot of them.
                      I moved on to BU only rolls. I currently purchase BU rolls of Lincoln Cents, Kennedy Half Dollars and occasionally buy Proof Sets from 1960-1964. For the cents, I am a copper-only sort of guy, so I basically collect from 1909 to 1980, but I honestly, I don't have much past 1972. I set up at a half dozen shows a year so I can offload some of the finds and rolls that I have already looked through. All in all its a profitable hobby and One that I have been doing- error wise - since 1981, and collecting since 1977.

                      Photos are good, any are welcome. The better the clarity, and less glare the better the answer. If you need help taking photos, many will offer some good easy advice how to do so. Just ask in the right area and I am sure responses will come over time.
                      Gary Kozera
                      Website: https://MintErrors.org


                      • ME Co.
                        • Nov 2015
                        • 6

                        Thanks for the welcome. Yeah crh is a great hobby, I tell everybody it keeps me out of mischief. Had alot of great finds but even more funny stories (memories). HH Mark

