Copper Minnesota state quarter
Copper Minnesota state quarter
I'm sure this is probably not rare but I have personally never seen a state quarter of any kind which was silver colored on the front and copper colored on the back. I don't think it's a stain of any kind but it is not solid throughout the entire back. Parts of it looks like the silver kind of shows through. But especially at the bottom where the loon is it is a pretty dark copper color. I don't want to do something that might ruin the coin -- by scratching it with an abrasive or something like that. But, is there a way I can use some solution on it to make sure it is not just stained in some way? And if it is really a copper sided quarter -- is it very rare or worth anything?
Thanks.Tags: None
Under no circumstances should you attempt to clean your coin. It's possible that your coin is missing the reverse clad layer. If so, the coin should be significantly underweight. A normal quarter weighs 5.67 grams while a missing clad error should weigh around 4.67 grams. A full missing clad Minnesota quarter in uncirculated condition could be worth $300 or more. So the first thing you need to do is get your coin weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram. Then report back to us. If you can get us an image, that would be immensely helpful.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.