Design Element Variations
Design Element Variations
While checking coins, I have noted that details of design elements vary considerably. As an example, the attached show LIBERTY on several Lincoln Shield pennies. The width and size of each letter vary from coin to coin. What are the reasons for these variations? Is it primarily because of slight errors caused during the making of working dies?Tags: None
BJ Neff, a long time CONECA member did a study on the Lincoln Cents. He published a CD, no longer available, and noted this about the changes to LIBERTY on the Lincoln Cent.
“LIBERTY Change Notes
After almost fifty years, the letters in LIBERTY are re-engraved on the 1956 master hub. In 1959, the B and R of LIBERTY are changed to wider loops.
An attempt to make the letters of LIBERTY all even was tried with the small date 1960 die; however, by 1963 all the letters were back to the style of the 1960LD and before. In 1969 the letters were again evened and most of the letters of LIBERTY were changed.
1973 was the last year that the letters in LIBERTY were uneven and not the same height. Starting with the 1974LD, LIBERTY, which started close to the rim, all the letters were even and the same height. The 1974SD took LIBERTY, IGWT and the DATE and moved them away from the rim.”
I am not aware of changes during the shield cent era in LIBERTY. What I see above looks like plating anomalies, machine doubling and die wear as opposed to die changes.
Thanks for the info JC, I forgot that BJ did a bunch of work tracking engraving changes on the Lincolns.Jason Cuvelier
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