Got my 1st 2022 coin in change here in Kentucky this week. Mr. Washington is sporting a pony tail this year! Maya Deangelou is the 1st featured American woman. I had to look her up to learn she was a poet. Not an area I have had much exposure to so far (poetry or women)
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I am soooo glad they have moved away from using incused dies. Like anything else, change is good every once in a while. Its good to see that the country wishes to give tribute to the states, the land and the people.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org
I see now that Its a new hairstyle for him that accentuates the ponytail a bit more. I'm not sure which one I like better yet. I looked at future American women coins coming out later this year & they look great! I am glad we are bringing back some of the "hotness" of past American coinage.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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