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1964 D mint dime

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  • stan jewell
    • Jun 2021
    • 75

    1964 D mint dime

    the mint mark seems to match the RPM-003 on Variety Vista page as well as some of the photos on the DDO's and DDR's. Your thoughts on this. Am I seeing this right??
    Attached Files
  • MintErrors
    • Jun 2015
    • 3597

    No. You do not have a rpm, ddo and ddr. Only one die strikes an obverse or reverse. Unless the attributer has found proof and documented multiple varieties on one coin, which is pretty uncommon.
    RPM 003 is listed just as that... no ddo or ddr.

    Back then, mintmarks were hammered into the working dies, so each one is unique in placement. You would be hard pressed to find a mint mark placed exactly the same place for potentially up to 3 varieties.

    Mintmark location is vital when attributing these coins. Again, it needs to match the location that the attributer shows.

    Second, the photos are pretty small and difficult to see anything.

    There might be something up with the mintmark, but it seems a bit too far west compared to RPM-003.

    There should be a weaker struck D with a small portions of that weaker D evident just north and east of the primary mintmark.

    These varieties are struck inside metal dies,, the areas the attributer shows is either extremely close to those areas or it is not that variety. There is no close enough unless it's nearly exact as photographed by the attributer.
    Last edited by MintErrors; 06-23-2022, 04:47 PM.
    Gary Kozera
    Website: https://MintErrors.org


    • stan jewell
      • Jun 2021
      • 75

      heres a better photo i hope
      Attached Files


      • stan jewell
        • Jun 2021
        • 75

        heres better i hope
        Attached Files


        • stan jewell
          • Jun 2021
          • 75

          this should be better
          Attached Files


          • MintErrors
            • Jun 2015
            • 3597

            There is way too much light and glare on these photos.it washes out any hope to see anything on the field.

            It is more helpful to us if the photos are orientated correctly, or at least in 90 degree increments. This way we can download and turn them as needed.

            Too much light can be diffused with a white sheer cloth, plastic bag or other items. For safety sake keep flammable material away from lights for extended periods of time.
            Last edited by MintErrors; 06-23-2022, 11:55 PM.
            Gary Kozera
            Website: https://MintErrors.org

