Quarter error
The collar would not come into play. The collar contains the reeding. A planchet or coin blank is fed within the striking chamber, surrounded by the collar. The planchet is a tad smaller than the collar size. When the anvil die squeezes the planchet between the dies, metal expands towards the collar and reeding normally fills it in, leaving a finished coin.
The coin have could been struck out of collar, but it would probably be off center or broadstruck.
Normally these have some reeding.
Another issue may be the use of a wrong planchet size,such as a nickel, dime or similar off metal or foreign planchet. Being too small, not enough metal is there to make it to the reeding.
The possibility does exist that some one may have removed the reeding outside the mint, either to remove silver content or just to let people scratch their head. Bob likes to call these garage coins.
Good thing to do is inspect the coin all the way around the coin, seeing if any design elements are missing, along with a full rim
Weigh the coin down to the hundredths of a gram,, say x.xx g . Scales can be had off amazon for less than 20 bucks, shipped.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org