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Strike through shield penny on obverse

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  • Oddrelics
    • Aug 2022
    • 33

    Strike through shield penny on obverse

    Hey all. I think I found something exciting and hope to get some helps with my next steps. Iv been looking for months and studying very hard to bring the community better examples. and this time him hoping I finally did it! I think I found something worthy of examination.

    I don't wanna get my hopes up to much but I think this is one of the coins impacted by a peace of string that some of the coin books talk about.

    If so I wish to know the next steps because iv been focusing on finding something amazing and have no clue how to get it to the people that want the amazing thing I found haha. Ether way studying and persistentcy is paying off i think. At lest I hope.

    I really hope this is good enuff to turn a few heads. They say third times the charm. Thanks for any intrest and your time.
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  • Oddrelics
    • Aug 2022
    • 33

    2011 D it looks like. More pics.
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      • Dec 2021
      • 529

      This looks the fibers are stuck to the cent by a foreign substance i.e. glue or gunk and that this did not happen at the mint. in my opinion.


      • Oddrelics
        • Aug 2022
        • 33

        Yeah kinda had thought in the back of my mind to im just going to experts first cuz iv never seen the cracks like this and therefore don't know. But they say cleaning coins is bad... rock and a hard place haha.. But you do have a point it could just be fibers playing tricks. Thanks for your input. Better then setting here hoping I found amazing finally. I only ever find minor stuff like die cracks.


        • MintErrors
          • Jun 2015
          • 3597

          In my opinion, thinking logically, I totally agree with PNWMAKES . There is too much wrong here. The thread itself appears to be too long not to impair the strike, which should have impeded a lot of the thread into the coin. It appears there's not much, if any actually sunk into the coin. With the amount of thread shown, it may be enough to split that coin.

          This coin is 11 or more years old and there is still white showing on that thread ?
          That seems suspicious to me.

          Some one may have tried an experiment with it, or whatever, but it definitely looks post mint damage- after it left the mint.

          Very minor errors escape the mint since 2003.... thus your not alone. Many collectors are starving for a good find.
          Gary Kozera
          Website: https://MintErrors.org


          • Oddrelics
            • Aug 2022
            • 33

            Well you definitely not wrong if it had been that 2 should have totally been destroyed. Well alright thanks lol I like getting a second opinion befor forcing stuff outta place. They say not to remove things like laminations and stuff. So rather take the chance and look like a fool then damage a great peace. Of well guess I keep trying right hahaha... this is difficult sometimes with the light and how things look like they could be something. Know what gonna look though more rolls to make myself feel better . Thanks again PNWMAKES. One day ill find something realy cool.
            Attached Files


            • Oddrelics
              • Aug 2022
              • 33

              Yea MintErrors I didn't even think about the color of the tread thats very very good point. Thanks for your reply. I'll keep that 2003 in mind as well. Sorry guys I was really hoping it was cool.

