1889 CC Morgan Proof. Replica. Die Rotated 180 degrees
1889 CC Morgan Proof. Replica. Die Rotated 180 degrees
Did they strike this replica with rotated die knowingly? Is it supposed to flip like a british coin? Or are morgans meant to be this way? I know it is from the national collectors mint, but it looks like a rotated die 180 degrees. School me please. Im back now after some research. I have learned the two different methods of turning a coin. If in fact this coin was meant for turning to be medalic. Then there is no error, but, if it wasn't, and I dont know the answer to this is if it was meant to have a medalic turn as opposed to the coin turn. Or if in fact, it is a die set error or was it meant to be medalic upon turning. FeuwYou do not have permission to view this gallery.
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