I found a 1995 Lincoln to what appears that there are two Lincolns on the reverse? Can this be possible? Collectors have found this on several other Lincolns and i have read that it is possible. I see on my coin another head but I cannot claim it to be two Lincolns. The same markings I see on the other coins in which the collectors claim to be another Lincoln- couldnt this be a false call? Could it be just a die gas bubble and people jump to the conclusion that it is another Lincoln? I hope I am making sense if not please forgive me. i have another two coins as well that I hope someone can help me with. They are picture here. I found a coin with what appears another eye on lincolns face (or an extention of it). I also found a 1999 with what appears to be a little doubling of the ear lobe. Any help would be appreciated.
1995 two Lincolns?
1995 two Lincolns?
Hello All!
I found a 1995 Lincoln to what appears that there are two Lincolns on the reverse? Can this be possible? Collectors have found this on several other Lincolns and i have read that it is possible. I see on my coin another head but I cannot claim it to be two Lincolns. The same markings I see on the other coins in which the collectors claim to be another Lincoln- couldnt this be a false call? Could it be just a die gas bubble and people jump to the conclusion that it is another Lincoln? I hope I am making sense if not please forgive me. i have another two coins as well that I hope someone can help me with. They are picture here. I found a coin with what appears another eye on lincolns face (or an extention of it). I also found a 1999 with what appears to be a little doubling of the ear lobe. Any help would be appreciated.Tags: None
Quite a few doubled dies involving duplications of Lincoln's statue have been found. Perhaps you've found another one. However, I don't know of any with this amount of separation. So a die dent or gas bubble is more likely.
As far as your 1982 cent goes, I'm not sure what's going on. It would have to be examined under a microscope.
The doubling of the earlobe in the 1999 cent is probably due to machine doubling. I'm not aware of any doubled die in this area for this year.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.
It is not out of the realm of possibilities for this to happen, having a dual Lincoln statue on the reverse, however, looking at this particular coin, I am inclined to believe it is two gas bubbles.
One little trick that you may want to try is to take a toothpick and press down ont the raised areas. If it collapses, then it is a gas bubble, if not, then further in hand analysis should be considered.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.
Some people may advise using a toothpick, but it can actually damage the coin by moving small particles of debris around that is on the surface of the coin. I wouldn't mess with it until someone looks at it. i am talking about the one with the potential doubled statue of Lincoln on the reverse. It could very well be gas bubbles but the shape of these particular marks really has a possibility of being something interesting.
Originally posted by wavysteps View PostIt is not out of the realm of possibilities for this to happen, having a dual Lincoln statue on the reverse, however, looking at this particular coin, I am inclined to believe it is two gas bubbles.
One little trick that you may want to try is to take a toothpick and press down ont the raised areas. If it collapses, then it is a gas bubble, if not, then further in hand analysis should be considered.
BJ Neff
Thank you for your Input!
Thank you all for your input on the coins I found. Yesterday my computer went down and worked on it all day! I am sorry for the delay in the Many Thanks to you all! I have another big issue. I just found a 1980 yellow brass lincoln with what appears to be a double monticello steps struck on the reverse. ( No Woodgrain but actual steps) I tried to scan it and now my scanner is giving me heck. I cant beleive how I never looked at these coins before. I got really angry and frustrated one day and put the coins away. I am looking at them now and am noticing some really interesting things. I applaud you all for the work you do! Coins are a great hobby but a very difficult one. I am glad I am here.
Originally posted by Novicetoerr View PostHi!
- I have one similar Lincoln cent (in one of my collection
groups of different coin denominations which I have
entitled "THE MULTIPLES").
- There were Lincolns in at least 4 bays which I don't
know how to categorize ---> as DDR or MDD, others???