68D Lincoln with a headache?
68D Lincoln with a headache?
This 68D is a little odd looking to me. The eight is definitely something happened to it, it is as found sorry if its dirty, it doesnt appear to have much circulation in 50+ years! The six is off or missing? a piece maybe came off , odd. this was in fairly decent shape, then i saw he looks like he has a headache, his head looks busted or cracked all down the center, of the head, and behind the ear to the R in trust. Neat crack on an otherwise fairly nice old lincon cent, you dont find them like this much anymore People pull the copper ones out, for years now, and i guess the pandemic change shortage pulled back in quite a few into circulation. Well, i should say, its a retirement type community where i live, and I have gotten a silver quarter in my change at the little hardware store since then.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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Lincoln cents are well known for cracked skulls. The can display a lot of cracks. They don't bring a huge premium, but one once in awhile one buys me lunch.
This one i added to an educational post about error types.
Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org