1944 D clipped planchet
1944 D clipped planchet
Heres a well worn, what appears to be a clipped 1944 D Lincoln cent, with maybe a BIE starting or something. Seems off to me, slightly. Another neat find to add to my growing collection, I am hoping to find the 44 D/S cent, might get lucky yet, got LOTS of wheat back pennies to roll up,thousands of unsearched coins to search. FUN! I have found some pretty decent coins in my little "hoard" I've been gathering over the years, actually found 3 1943/42 Jefferson nickels, out of a 1000 total war nickels I had, bought for about $1.06 each, scrap silver price at the time. I guess buying from a bullion dealer can pay off,I figured they do VOLUME, and do not search every coin, for errors or variety's, but i think i just gave away a little secret that i used to score mine! Good luck to all, in your quest, as i continue mine as well.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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