1955 Lincoln Cent cracked skull, but no SKH number to compare to?
1955 Lincoln Cent cracked skull, but no SKH number to compare to?
Got this beautiful, blazing red, wheat cent from 1954, but not sure what to call it. Its a spike head, id guess, with the MAJOR cracked skull, but im not sure if it qualifys or not. Dramatic , to say the least, and I apologize for photo quality my camera cant capture a complete coin in one photo.
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It’s not a Spike Head, you can find a number of 1955 LWC with what some call a cracked skull. Check this link to see a number of them. Lincoln Cent Retained Interior Die Break; 1909 – 1958 : Cuds on Coins (cuds-on-coins.com)
THANK YOU for the link , i guess i hadnt looked everywhere on the site for an example. Ok, so if no crack to rim they are called retained interior die breaks, and if crack is to the rim, then its a spike head? Im learning so much about someof the coins i have, and i was searching for the LDB coins in my over 40 years of unsearched coins in my collection, and i thought it looked nice ,and if its the coin i think it is, there are actually cracks going to the rim in a couple spots and i think i may have a different die state as one of your 55S coins with cracked skull, and MANY LDB4'S mostly frpm 55=57, with a couple 51s off the top ofthe head, a couple from the 20s -late 30s range as well to check for another day.. I DID snag a total of 3 of the 43/42 nickels out of my little collection of 1000 asst war nickels, bought mostly from bullion dealers , i figured they do volume, my best bet for unsearched is there, and i got 3, after over 40 years searching my change and casino cups of nickels , and i do have 3 kids, no brainer who gets one, each of them do. I APPRECIATE all your insight and respectfully thank you for taking your time you have taken so far and for extending a hand, when you did not have to. I HAVE learned much so far, and will continue to read and ask questions about things that i cant seem to track down myself, and would like to contribute as much as i can with coins that may be missing , or added to the study or list, if i post any you would care to check out in hand I will gladly send to you to take proper photos of them if you would like. Just let me know which if any so i can pull them for you.