Hello I have a question
Hello I have a question
About 1964 penny GGD yes I would like to know if you can predict errors what makes them errors there more like planned mishaps and if there's no way there can be a coin like the one I have then how do I have one you still haven't explained that all you can say is it can't happen what about the quarter that says IN GOD WE RUST or the half dollar that has a "v" intend of a "u" you go on to tell me they can't insist. I don't see, We're it is hard to understand what I was try to state Making my thoughts on this coin hard to understand if you think this is in Post mint damage wouldn't the G be upside down from the damage you're looking at and for that matter wouldn't the end of that G fallen off or wouldn't there be a buildup of material where it folded together it wouldn't be such a sharp turn unless it was hot and how did it reattach itself back to the coin and why is it where it came from not Jagged but looks like the rest of it what I don't understand is your close-mindedness about it it's like you won't even come to the thought that's could be an error coin and I've seen no real evidence except for what you keep telling me can't happen but I've got one and if you can predict all the other error coins then they're really not error coins are they? I was told this is the sight for open intelligent back and forth discussions I'm not directing this at any one person I just don't understand why it's not even being looked at if you just looked at it you can see what I was saying I overlooked five times before I realized what it was. Any thank you for all the time anyone took to look at and special thanks to anyone who responded I do appreciate your timeTags: None
.If you want this to be an open and intelligent back and forth... I will go over this and help you understand if I can.... but you too Must have an open mind to How coins are made.
"I would like to know if you can predict errors what makes them errors there more like planned mishaps " ... no we can not predict errors for say... we
(the people that wants to take the time and learn this) have studied How coins are made... when an error is found we work backwards to figure out how the
error was made... this has been going on since prior to 1955 DDO cent....so we have a lot of information to use to figure things out....
"if there's no way there can be a coin like the one I have then how do I have one " ... there are many, many things that can happen to coins after they
leave the mint... but they all are considered damage to be an error....... inside of the minting process it just can not happen...
"quarter that says IN GOD WE RUST "... This coin is an error... and we know how it happened....In God we rust is a T that has grease filled in so it is a
struck through grease. This is a given. it is a known. it was struck through something that filled in the die so the T could not be struck. "
"the half dollar that has a "v" intend of a "u""... there is a peace dollar with a V and not a U... but it was designed that way. .... f it is a half dollar... then it is
damaged.. as no V was on a half in the original design....
"We're it is hard to understand what I was try to state Making my thoughts on this coin hard to understand"... no but what you are stating does not
happen in the minting processes.....
"what I don't understand is your close-mindedness about it "....I don't have a close mind any more then you do.... I have studied errors and even taught
an error class... the ideas you are suggesting do not happen in the way you are thinking at the mint... therefore it cant happen....
"if you think this is in Post mint damage wouldn't the G be upside down from the damage you're looking at "..... not if the right side of the O was hit
very lightly from something making the side of said O bend inward and look like a G....
"and for that matter wouldn't the end of that G fallen off or wouldn't there be a buildup of material where it folded together"... again once it leave the
mint it can be accidentally hit or on purpose hit... once hit it could be hit downward so that it stays in place.
so let me help you with how coins and by process error coins are made..............
FIRST lesson on coin making. What is raised on a coin Must be sunk into a die.
SECOND lesson... a working die is made from a working hub which is made from a mater die which is made from a master hub which is made from a
Galvano of the coin design.
With that we get......for a design to be raised on a coin it must be sunk into a die which was made from a working die which was made from a working
hub....which made many... many dies.
With this we know if the letter G was raised on a cent... it would be on Many dies and therefore on many coins... this is the base as to why it could not
happen... it would be on all of the 1964 cents.....not just yours...
When a coin is made the die will strike the coin and moves up and down.. it can not move sideways to drag any metal off of the design. hot cold wet dry or
otherwise... dies can not move a metal of a coin the way you are sugesting.
NOW... your turn....... believe me I want to help so....
Tell me how you think this happened... we, me and you, will go step by step with your idea to see IF it is possible.
but you having a closed mind that people helping you that have studded varieties and errors for... in my case 25 plus years... don't know what we are talking about... means you just want to hear you have a million dollar error coin... which you do not have.
Last thing...there are expert error dealers, and attributers for the CONECA group that go to shows... i am not talking about a coin shop dealer that says... that's an error.. I mean people who have worked in this field their lives. if you go to the FUN show in Florida, the PAN show in Pennsylvania, or many other big shows you can find a both with CONECA or a dealer that specializes only in errors,,, and have them look at it. or take it to a certification company that has a grader on site to look at it first... IF you submit it.. I know it will come back as damaged and not an error....I don't want you to lose money on this.CONECA Attributer: John Miller