Let’s see what I have
You are good. So tiktok, facebook, and the like can sometimes be a knowledgeable person and sometimes they can get a bit of info and then give it out and it not be quite right. We have to fix info all the time. so if you do watch any online i fo. double and triple check all the info. one way to help with errors and varieties is to learn how coins are made. there is no one good location of all the steps. google How coins are made and try to gather all the info you can. then check back here if you dont understand any of it. we (everyone) can help with the info. Good Luck.......CONECA Attributer: John Miller
Yes, you are exactly right, when I see the information there giving out it’s not complete to me so that is why I like to come to this informative gathering of people and try to get a better insight as to what exactly it is and supposed to be, The errors in the value of the error And just the value of the coin itself I have no idea, And thank you all for the help you’ve given me and hopefully will continue to give me.