01-22-2024, 08:51 PM
I got this 1978D quarter in change years ago. Looks like a planchet problem but others, after looking at pics on NGC forum disagree. Others on that forum aren't so sure. Nor am I. Pics show obverse and reverse and an edge comparison to a regular quarter. It does have reeding all the way around but taking this pic is the first time I notice the diameter is a hair shy of the regular quarter. The other is (I feel sure) a legitimate cracked planchet, also from circulation. I got the same year as the date on the coin so I graded it BU on the holder but I wouldn't argue about if someone disagreed.
I have not weighed it yet, but it's obviously thinner than the regular quarter. I have ordered the appropriate scale to weigh it and it should be delivered soon. I will weigh it and post the weight then.
Any and all input is welcome.
3 Photos