RPM on 1964 D Washington Quarter
RPM on 1964 D Washington Quarter
Can someone tell me if I should get this coin attributed. I believe the coin has a D/D/D rpm. I can see notching bottom left along with letter portions inside the mm. Please help me out on this one. It is not listed from what I can tell on VV or Wexlars site.You do not have permission to view this gallery.
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On this forum, under CONECA SERVICES is an attribution area. You can post photos there and a CONECA staff member will be able to provide assistance. Add as many clear, non glare Photos of the area in question. It take a bit of patience, but it beats sending it in and it not being an RPM.
In my opinion, this looks odd, like ejection doubling or other worthless doubling. It looks step like and that is a classic sign of worthless doubling. Something that obvious would probably have been documented ma y years ago. Washington quarter working dies typically strike close to 325,000 coins before retiring the working die.
It's up to you whether or not to send it in to athird party grading service like ANACS, NGC or PCGS. For one coin, the cheapest may be ANACS - but it still costs a good chunk of change. No quotes, but a rough guess would be 8 bucks to mail it to ANACS, 19 bucks to grade and slab (encapsulate) it. I am pretty sure they will charge either a research fee or a verification fee if you know what RPM it may be. That might be 10 bucks more. Return postage is determined Ed by insurance value, and typically between 1 to 4 coins the return postage and Insurance together runs about 25 bucks via UPS Ground.
So, it's totally up to you. It depends if you want closure or just want to know. Is it going to be resold, or someone it's convinced it's a new discovery. Weigh the return on investment, time it will take to come back (some times 7 weeks) and all the extra things to think about.Gary Kozera
Website: https://MintErrors.org