It is a raised bump at the center of the design that is not supposed to be there. Is it a DDR? Well, the other side of the coin told a different story...
Looks alot like a die clash to me. There is a forest running through Washington's neck and into the field to the right. The area behind Washington's ear is filled in and there is an 'Extra Earlobe" like bump at the lower-left of the ear. All remnants of a strong die clash, I presume.
Here is an overlay of what areas would clash on the Washington State design...
As clashes go, this is a pretty strong one. Remnants extend from in front of the lip, under the chin, in the low areas behind and under the ear & jaw, and are still clearly visible in the field next to IGWT. But had the obverse die been changed out -- I just may have mistaken this coin for a DDR.