Severe Pegleg 1976-D Kennedy Half Dollar
Severe Pegleg 1976-D Kennedy Half Dollar
I have seen some die polished coins, other than The Eisenhower Dollars, which are notorious for the so-called "Pegleg" syndrome, where the left leg of the R in LIBERTY is missing it's serif, is short, like, sawed off, or, both, but this 1976-D KHD takes the cake for the amount of removal of the lower E & R in LIBERTY...the leg is almost completely off on the R....I cannot imaging how many of these are out there, as any Mint Employee, once seeing the result of repeated die polishing, would stop the presses. This die must have been "near death".....1st pic is the sawed off example...pic 2 is a normal R. 3rd pic is pegleg, again.Tags: None