1976 Netherlands 10 cents showing doubling.
It's hard for me to tell, as your close-up photos are a bit blurred. Some of the letters and numbers resemble a doubled die while others aren't that convincing. In your first photo the "1" is strongly doubled in an E-W direction while the adjacent "9" shows no doubling. That would seem to undermine the notion that this is a doubled die. The the doubling on the "1" and the "76" seem to be in opposite directions, which would also conflict with a doubled die. However, I will defer to the opinion of our more proficient variety experts.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.
As Mike pointed out, there are a lot of inconsistencies that are present to steer it away from being called a doubled die. I also question the doubling as being caused by die deterioration without seeing the coin in hand. Die deterioration doubling can cause split serifs and very convincing doubling of the design elements. This may be the case here since it seems to affect the outer design elements. As the coin ages, the die deterioration doubling becomes more pronounced, while the true doubled die becomes mushy with age.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.