1982P Circulated Quarter with extra design?
1982P Circulated Quarter with extra design?
This coin has me baffled. There appears to be a definately raised unknown design to the right of the arrow bundle. Two obvious raised sections can be seen, but when you follow them down, there is a tail like effect showing three. The additional design appears feather/wing like, but I can not find even a singular line anywhere in the coins design that might have caused this if it was perhaps struck more than once. Any feeback would be appreciated.Tags: None
When a die clash is encountered, we have just about every denominational coin overlayed to show the possible location of die clashes at MADdieclashes.com Of course, there maybe some that due to on offset of positioning between the die when they did clash, will not show the exact location of that particular event,but it will give you some idea of where the clash mark originated from i.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.