Lincoln face outlined and extra lobe on ear
I'm by NO MEANS an expert I'm pretty much a newbe but in my opinion the edge around the portrait may be what Mike Diamond has dubbed a "plating disturbance doubling" which my understanding is the metal being stressed. Again I am no expert but that is what I think. I don't know about the ear lobe but having seen that on many coins my guess would be something such as another coin striking it. Experts please correct me if I'm off base.
Plating issues similar to the one showing in your coin are common on copper / zinc cents, more so in the 1980 decade. So, "yes" I do believe that your coin does have a plating issue.
BJ NeffMember of: ANA, CCC, CONECA, Fly-in-club, FUN, NLG & T.E.V.E.C.