Poss 2000d Sac Error ??? Need Help Pls.
Poss 2000d Sac Error ??? Need Help Pls.
I buy several $100 dollars of Sacagawea's a month and noticed this coin that stuck of from the rest. It is shinier than anyother ones I have seen and also has a mirrored apperance to it. It also looks to be made of a different type of metal than other Sac's. The metal looks like that of the new Presidental dollars. Some of the lettering looks sto be stretched and the coin is alittle weaker stamped. If anyone can identify it or knows where I can get more info on it Please help.Tags: None
Sacagawea dollars and presidential dollars are struck on the same planchets. Any other observations are hampered by the blurry photos you provided. There shouldn't be stretched out lettering as the coin was struck within the collar, but I've seen exceptions to this general rule. The weak letters could be due to some gunk clogging the die, but your photos seem to show complete letters. Without clearer photos, we can progress no further.Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.