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1982-P Clashed Cap Cent and more

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  • Zimmy
    CONECA Treasurer/PA Rep
    • Aug 2007
    • 326

    1982-P Clashed Cap Cent and more

    Attached is a 1982-P Clashed Cap Cent with nice late die cap and early clash die combo. I just don't know how and when the additional date incused on Lincoln's shoulder formed. Is it some kind of shifted cap? Can anyone help explain? Thanks,
    Attached Files
    James Zimmerman
    Coneca N-911
    CONECA PA State Rep/Treasurer
  • diamond
    • Jul 2007
    • 2040

    A fascinating error. Three steps must have been involved. Step 1 consisted of a late-stage die cap rotating. Step 2 involved this rotated cap clashing with the reverse die. Step 3 was the strike that generated your coin. Ordinarily, a rotated cap error will produce an extensive set of normally-oriented incuse design elements. However, in this case, the clash with the reverse die must have removed all sources of such incuse elements, except for the date.

    I haven't seen this particular combination before. If you'd like me to write it up for Coin World, contact me at mdia1@aol.com. -- Mike Diamond
    Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.


    • Jamez
      • Dec 2007
      • 414

      Very Nice.. I have never seen anything like that.. Please do get a hold of Mike and let him bring that coin to life.. Awesome find..
      Proud Member: CONECA, TEC, HVNS, NS, ANA


      • diamond
        • Jul 2007
        • 2040

        The article on Jim's coin is now out in this week's Coin World.
        Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.


        • rascal
          • Feb 2011
          • 211

          Originally posted by diamond View Post
          The article on Jim's coin is now out in this week's Coin World.
          Welcome back Mike , It's good to see you back on the forum. When I first saw the photo of this coin I thought it was one of the altered coins where folks squeeze them together then I noticed the memorial building did not go across Lincoln's profile and thought it was a mint error because of that.

          after looking at this coin it made me think of my unusal cent coin that some of us on the forum were quarreling about.I said it a real mint error and some others said it was not. I don't know if you remember the one I'm mentioning .It looks like a struck thru die cap and it has some sunken in places behind Lincoln's head and goes from the very outside edge of the rim to part way across his head. after seeing the coin photo in this post the areas between the posts on the building looks a little similar to the sunken in areas on my coin. I'm still not sure what got between the die and my coins planchet to make these places.

          It looks like my coin has entered the coining chamber on a slant and the collar pushed a small amount of metal over on top of the planchet before it was struck and this is what I think confused some folks because there is a tiny bit of super thin metal around a few of the letters.

          I knew the only way my coin could have been damaged in this way without damanging the other side was for someone to grind off the metal to make all of those sunken in areas . I went and bought a good gram scale just so I could weigh this coin. It weighs exactly 3 grams and every copper coin I weighed was between 2.9 and 3.1 grams.

          I think I still have a photo of the weird cent and can post it on here if you would like to see it again. I may send it to you or someone else for a in hand look one of these days.


          • diamond
            • Jul 2007
            • 2040

            I don't remember your coin, but feel free to send an image to me.

            I don't plan on being a regular presence here on the Forum. I will only make an appearance if a coin is of particular interest to me.
            Mike Diamond. Error coin writer and researcher.


            • coin-crazy
              • Aug 2010
              • 528

              Wow thats a nice error..Glad you posted it here.. Thanks

              Still the best "Nickel Trail Die Hunter". 2013 ((MIKEE)) T.Davis

